
Here is what has happened after our 8 year old son received prayer from the Healing the Brokenhearted ministry team. Our son is legally our foster son, who has lived with us for the past 2 1/2 years. My wife and I believe he is our God-given-son and we call him son and he calls us Dad and Mum. He is a sensitive child but at times has been seemingly over-sensitive resulting in crying and freaking out. At the same time he had been powerfully drawn towards dark forces which would ultimately lead to acting out in physical violence. We found out he watched scary movies in his early childhood as well as had experienced physical violence and abuse. Falling asleep has always been a problem since images of his past would appear causing him not to sleep or have bad nightmares. These things have been hard on him and we know it is the grace of God for him not to be totally broken at this point. After he received prayer, the first thing we noticed was he became softer. In the past his playtime involved sports mixed with karate (meant to hurt a person, not self-defense) and violence. Today we played soccer and our son played with patience and attentive to the others playing by kicking the ball to them appropriately. He had fun and was proud of himself! He has also slept very well without nightmares and falls asleep easily and peacefully. – J.P.

After returning from a trip to Taiwan, I returned with stuff I did not take with me. I suspected the trouble came in the form of Buddhist curses. When I arrived at the Healing Rooms, I was determined to leave every symptom behind. I was so weak, I could hardly read The Word or pray. After ministry, I could literally sense the Lord’s presence and strength returning to my body. The next day I woke up 100% better with some “fire” in my bones once again, thank God. I received restoration and a re-fire in my spirit. – D.R.

The Lord healed me from past hurts and generational curses and washed me in the blood of Jesus. I am forgiven and look forward to freedom in my life and ministry. – P.E.

I received prayer about my relationship with my parents which led me to be able to resolve some questions in my heart about them. I was able to release my brother into God’s hands. Biblical truth was spoken over me by the leading of Holy Spirit and I could feel it sinking into my heart. – P.C.

Stuart was the guest speaker at a seminar and he referenced the healing of our soul. I had just told Jesus I had not signed up for living life this way. For forty years I had been white knuckling it, living with pain, anger, and hatred in my life. I would read scriptures like: “Behold all these things are passed away, I am a new creature” or “Lean unto me and I will hear your prayers,” but I wasn’t experiencing freedom.  The revelation that came through Stuart, gave me hope that FINALLY I would be set free. Two days later, a friend of mine told me that she saw and heard hornets flying around my head. The next day on my walk, I asked Jesus what the hornets meant and He showed me a cottonwood tree with several hornet nests. I knew He wanted to heal me. For the next three weeks, Jesus opened one hornet nest at a time. As I repented, asked for forgiveness, and forgave, Jesus would show me a slate being wiped clean and Him saying, “IT IS FINISHED!” After three weeks of on-going healing, I can truly say I am set free. The Bible says those who are set free are free indeed. I cannot remember the anger, hate, and pain that satan had kept me bound in. Glory to Jesus for healing me! – J. J.

I received prayer for a broken relationship with my mom and I was having problems with my stomach with fear. Through the prayers I received, I got healed from my pain. Thank you Jesus! I feel very peaceful, hopeful, and joyful. I also received healing from rejection. Jesus restored my delight in living for Him! – N.P. 

I had the pleasure of participating in a class with Stuart and Shereen. This experience of God’s love was so helpful in my walk with Christ. It seems so simple, but I do not think I have ever before opened my heart fully to experience the love that Jesus has to offer me. – N.E.

I am very thankful to the Lord for the Brokenheart Ministry. It is a very safe and encouraging environment. On my first visit, the Lord brought me to another level with Him (freedom) and washed away a pile of shame off me. On my second visit, the Lord is helping me with a strategy to stay in peace and continuously embrace my identity. The Lord is closing the gap in my broken heart and I know He will complete it. I know the He died of a broken heart for mine to be healed and whole – K.S.

I was so absolutely blessed beyond measure! God met me here at the Healing Rooms and broke through areas of my life. I feel so free and can’t wait to see what God is going to do through me. I appreciate the team’s compassionate listening ear, and awesome ministry of the Spirit. Thank you! – C.K.

Healing the Brokenhearted ministry was very impactful and encouraging. I felt the Lord’s presence and heard His voice. I also received confirmation from Him as well. They gave me tools that I can apply to my life daily. Everyone was very kind, compassionate, and encouraging. It was a wonderful experience. I have been asking for a dream from God for quite awhile and I had a dream after my ministry time! The dream was encouraging and beautiful! – J.R.

I had a breakdown after my daughter passed away 10 months ago. A week after her funeral, my grand-daughter was arrested for running a drug house out of my daughter’s house. I was really out of it and could not connect with the Lord or grieve, until I went to the Healing the Brokenhearted Ministry where the Lord met me. I was able to let go and let the Lord take over. – E.K.

Ministry received was insightful and catalytic. It was liberating, showing me barriers and restraints and how the blood of Jesus and the power of Holy Spirit sets me free. His power and revealed love was demonstrated and manifested through the team members. Also the prophetic words shared by the team were pure, VERY accurate, and has given me a new level of trust in Abba. My life/walk has been changed because of this ministry. Thank you so much. – J.N.

Great insight given about the Blood of Jesus and covering the sins against me. These prayers are equipping me to live a free-er life in God and to draw closer to Him. – S.N.

God truly met me! I felt God take things off of me and replace them with Him. I am amazed at the difference that I feel after compared to before. I don’t think I fully realized how much other peoples’ sins affected me as they did. I am grateful that God took it all. I felt safe and secure with Stuart & Shereen. Thank you for making the atmosphere safe. I am grateful I am able to help my family spiritually and be an example. – R.F.

I had been working a job, that I enjoyed, but I had a desire to work at the same place that my wife works at. Stuart told me he felt that we’d be working together before long. Not long after that, I received and accepted a job offer there! God is so good!

They were all so comforting, gentle, and in tune with what the Holy Spirit was bringing up. They made me feel so loved and cared for. I know I could trust them the moment I walked through the door. They took authority and ministered with the genuine love of God. I feel so much lighter and free. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love you guys! Everyone needs to do this. – A.C.

The Lord has healed me of numerous autoimmune diseases over the past couple of years, but I have continued to struggle with some lingering issues. I was reading the testimony in Stuart’s book about a young woman named Launi. God did something so amazing in her life as Stuart and his wife, Shereen, walked her through her healing process. Launi had suffered for years with ulcers. Stuart and Shereen had her ask the Lord to take her back to when the pain first originated. Her journey to healing was captivating! As I read the story, I said, “God, you are no respecter of persons. What you did for Launi, You will do for me!”
As Stuart explains in his book, with God there is no time. He is in the past, the present, and the future. I asked Him to take me back to the place where my neck pain began. Instantly I was 18 years old again, driving my friend’s car over to the university to pick her up from class. I stopped at the stop sign, saw another vehicle coming straight at me, grabbed the steering wheel, screamed, and braced for the impact that would change my life forever. However, instead of feeling the impact, I pictured Jesus crucified on the cross standing in between the two vehicles and taking the full weight of the crash upon His body. Immediately I felt a warm oil cascading over my neck. It was so beautiful, so warm, so healing.
I thought to myself, “This is unreal! This is so cool!” So I said, “Okay God, now let’s go after the bladder.” At 12 years old I was diagnosed with an incurable bladder disease that had changed any thought of ever having a normal life. The Lord led me on a similar journey taking me back to the origin of the disease. Suddenly, that same feeling commenced, of warm oil cascading over my bladder. It was so surreal. I began thanking God and singing praise to Him out loud.
A couple of days later, I was telling Shereen what I had experienced while reading Stuart’s book. She said, “Oh my goodness! I have to tell you about the oil!” A gentleman had prophesied over Stuart when he was writing the book. He told Stuart that he saw him writing a book and that when the reader reads the words, they will go forth like healing oil. This confirmed to me my healing. I am in awe of a God who loves us so much and uses books, people, testimonies, and circumstances to let us experience Him in such a tangible way. Praise the name of Jesus! – D.B.

During last summer’s Ignite Internship, you both served as part of our teaching team focusing on your ministry, Healing the Brokenhearted. Your series of messages proved to be an invaluable companion to our core teaching values emphasizing intimacy with God and our identity in Christ. Throughout your teaching, you reminded us of how much God loves us and how He sees us all as His beloved children. “How great the Father’s love for us, that we would be called the children of God…” I loved the class when you handed out the beautifully printed sticky notes with the crown and written reminder that we are princes and princesses greatly loved by God. It reminds me daily that I am royalty and that I am successful just because I’m loved by my Heavenly Father! Both of you leak out God’s love everywhere you go and your life message about God’s perfect love is infectious and so needful for His sons and daughters to keep hearing in order to be continually reminded about who we are in Jesus and how much we mean to the Father! Thank you so much for saying yes to the Lord and for faithfully reflecting all that He’s given you to display His glory to us all. – J.D.

It was great, they were very friendly and they really cared. Had some words for me from the Lord. They recommended some scriptures that would apply in my life, and gave me some great ideas on some steps to do to help me with growth and my walk with God. It was such a blessing I felt better. It seemed brighter in the room afterwards. – K.R.

I came here because I wanted to encounter God and receive a baptism of love and receive a break-through in my spiritual life. The Lord also showed me things that have been hindering me from receiving what I am expecting. – C.S-PM

The people who ministered to me were kind and gracious and loving. They brought up different perspectives, primarily releasing my defense mechanisms to Jesus. The led me through a memory when I sensed deliverance/release. Thank you! – P.J.

I want to thank the Lord for His Word and breaking down walls so I may heal. The prophetic word was confirmation of what the Lord has been revealing to me for the past year. I have a spiritual direction into what I need to do and the eyes of my heart are opened to what I need to do for the Joy of the Lord to enter my heart and God to use me in my ministry. I am very thankful to your ministry – P.E.

I felt the presence of God on and in my body. Stuart prayed with me and we broke off fear, guilt, shame, and doubt. God freed my mind and gave me peace. I am confident in God and the person He’s called me to be!!! – J.S. 

I am very thankful for the revelation the Lord showed me during ministry. Many questions I had were addressed. I appreciate Stuart’s openness and obedience to share what Holy Spirit was showing him.  Jesus showed me the sweet gentle loving way to walk through trauma and see God’s heart in a fresh new way. I thank God, this is a breakthrough day! – P.M.

I feel released from all the emotional , mental, and spiritual pain I was feeling when I entered. I feel that new doors have opened in the Spirit into God’s heart. I have entered into a realm of greater Glory with God. Thank you! – W.C.

On July 4, Stuart prophesied to me about our housing situation. He said he felt we would end up in a house with an ocean view. At the time, my family and I were looking for a roof over our heads, and were staying with friends in a tent in their front yard, while praying and looking for God’s plan. After moving four times in three years, suddenly my wife received some inheritance and a property was presented to us. We knew it was the one!  It was acreage property, very similar to property we had to walk away from years earlier. God’s hand was on the acquisition, and we watched as His plan unfolded. The best part, while fixing up one of the two houses on the property, I caught a glimpse of the ocean through the trees! After trimming the trees, to my absolute JOY, a beautiful view of Port San Luis (ocean & pier) appeared. I was reminded of the word from Stuart and realized it had been fulfilled. – J.N.

I met my wife two years after I got saved. We dated and soon got pregnant. We had such troubles in our first three years together. I was trying to force male thinking on her and didn’t understand her thinking as a woman. Ultimately we separated, which was painful. I came to the Healing Rooms and met with Stuart and his Healing the Brokenhearted team member. And although I told them I would never get back with my wife, they lovingly ministered to me and encouraged me to be open to God restoring me back to my wife and family. I couldn’t fathom it. I was so hurt and resentful. They prayed for me and encouraged me that is was possible with Jesus. Soon after my wife got saved and Jesus opened the door for us to be reconciled. We are legally getting married in a few weeks! – B.D.

This class has been amazing. It has helped me understand how much God loves me and how precious I am in His eyes. I have learned that there is noting in this universe that can overcome the love of God. It is God’s love that has transformed my heart and healed it. I am grateful for helping me learn my identity and that I am a royal prince of God who has authority in the Kingdom of God. – J.R.

Stuart’s book [Perfect Love Heals] has given me strength to mend my broken heart. For the love of me, God gave His son Jesus to die on the cross. The healing of my heart was done in the blood of Jesus. By asking for forgiveness, I was able to receive God’s love, His love gave me the power and authority with agreement, that I am a son of God. I was oppressed by drinking and have been healed from this sin. My heart is healed and mended. – D.H.

Going through the book Perfect Love Heals has helped me in the journey through my rehab program. God’s love is such a big part of my life now and an important part of my recovery. I have learned that I am a royal prince, a son of God even when “shift happens!” Thank you. – C.B.

The Holy Spirit has healed my whole heart and I have grown more as a child of God going through this class. – S

God has brought healing to me and set me free from my past broken covenant with my ex-wife. After forgiving all the wrongs during and after the end of my marriage, I have been set free from the enemies lies. Witchcraft can no longer have a hold on me or my four children. I feel I have been given a new life that can breathe new life into my kids. The wisdom and love of God spoke very specifically to past events and sin that have kept me from a relationship with Him. Through the prayers that I was lead through, I have been released from the pit of hell to live again in love in Christ Jesus. I can’t stop laughing with joy! – J.M.

The Healing the Brokenhearted Ministry has helped bring peace to my chaos, helping me to slow down and receive from God, inviting His input and direction to speak to the broken places, and heal, and bring new life and hope. This ministry has helped me identify and cut off unhealthy spirits and soul ties from my life in the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ; by His leading. I have been equipped to deal with these spirits who want to get a foothold in my life again, and God has replaced those wounded areas with jewels of grace. This ministry has helped me forgive sin, others, and myself, bringing freedom and perfect peace. I have been so blessed. – K.C.

My heart is filled with love, love for God! Thank you for helping me to receive and learn that God is so close to me. I am in Him and He is in me. It is so great to feel and experience our Father’s love and greatness. – I.P.

About a year ago, and after almost 25 years, my husband decided he did not want me anymore. O the abandonment, being forsaken by the one whom I loved and shared a marriage covenant with. I have been on the road of healing as God has drawn me to Himself – giving me a thirst for the Word and His company, unparalleled in my life’s experience. He has met me over and again – tonight in the eyes & arms & hearts of the ministers. I took my pain, my unforgiveness, and my husband to the foot of the cross, and allowed Jesus’ blood to wash over those. I am affirmed by how God sees me, calling back the return of joy and righteousness and soul wholeness to me. I left with a buoyant heart and much hope. Thank You Jesus, Father God & Holy Spirit for His restoration. – L.A.

As I read the book, Perfect Love Heals, heaven opened up and I had several encounters. As I finished the book, I had a visitation from Jesus. I was in heaven standing with Jesus and He handed me a key. I put the key in the door and it opened. There were floor to ceiling shelves in this special room. On the shelves, there were rectangular silver trays, surgery trays, which are a part of God’s redemption plan. On these trays were hearts, all healthy, full of life and blood, vibrantly red. All different sized pieces and parts of hearts, some brand new hearts, pumping, flowing, ready to be delivered to those who had brokenness in those places in their hearts. I was very overwhelmed at the goodness of God and how I was already seeing restoration for so many hearts; more than I could count. Jesus said to me, “You are going to be a heart technician.” Excitement welled up inside of me and I said, “there must be something here for me! What is here for me?” Jesus told me, “I am giving you the heart of humility.” I was stunned and asked, “How do I know this is real?” He said, “You will never think the same again.” I don’t even feel like the same person. I’m destroyed by God’s perfect love. – P.S.

It was six months after my late wife’s passing after a battle with ovarian cancer. I was totally exhausted, both physically and emotionally, after two years of extreme stress as her care giver. This had taken a toll on my heart health. My blood pressure was sky high and I had an actual pain in my heart.
After medical testing, the cardiologist determined that I seemed to have a severely blocked small artery inside my heart. She advised I undergo an invasive procedure to check it out. In the meantime, my primary care physician diagnosed me as also having “broken heart syndrome” (yes, there is such a thing medically).
In the midst of this, I was invited to a Saturday workshop in Pasadena, California. It was called “Healing the Brokenhearted – Perfect Love Heals” seminar. I really did not want to travel during the turmoil regarding my physical heart health, but yet I felt an urging from the Holy Spirit to go. It turned out to be a wonderful event filled with love and acceptance.
During the course of the presentations, those of us in attendance were led in some group prayers, which I participated in. There was no individual prayer or laying on of hands. Shortly after my return home, I noticed I was no longer experiencing any cardio symptoms! I went back to the cardiologist and she said that indeed the symptoms were gone, but she still wanted to proceed with the invasive procedure just to go in and “look around.” She then said I did not have to do that if I didn’t want to. I didn’t because at that point I sensed that Jesus had healed me. I canceled the previously scheduled appointment for the procedure. It is now 8 months later, I have an active lifestyle with no physical heart symptoms! Thank you Jesus! – S.M.

I came to a Perfect Love Seminar. My shoulder had been hurting for weeks. A word of knowledge was released for pain in a right arm. My right shoulder began to go up and down and was totally healed. I was undone by God’s perfect love. I saw Him pulling gravel out of my heart in the deepest places. I felt insecurities filled with His secure love. Everything feels different now. I feel total and complete peace, joy, light and deep satisfaction. I saw pus coming out of my heart from deep and old wounds. I saw rebar coming out from between my toes that was hindering my walk with God. I feel so accepted and full of His love. I will never be the same. It was wave after wave after wave of His love in the deepest places I didn’t even know I had. I was the target and God shot a love missile directly at the bullseye! – P.S.

I repented of my sin, but I was still being plagued by images in my head. I was advised to fill up on the Word and fill up my imagination with holy things. The second part, I had never heard of in 30 years as a Christian. I followed their instructions and also gave 100% of myself to Jesus and my wife. I am healed and now have tools should any future temptations come. Coming into the light is where healing starts. – E.J.

Our whole Healing Rooms Team was greatly inspired by the Perfect Love Heals Ministry teaching in Pasadena, CA through David and Glendae Hauser. Stuart and Shereen equipped, empowered, and enabled the four ladies from our team that attended with amazing tools to release God’s perfect love to those who come into our Healing Rooms for a touch from the Lord. As we pour the Father’s love in and declare their true identity, they are transformed to new levels of freedom. – A.D.

Today soul ties were broken to my past relationships; I broke generational curses in my family from anger and being unloved. Forgiveness was given to parents and past husbands. I was freed from feeling unloved and received new love by the Father. God ministered to me, broke fear, took away my feelings of worthlessness, loved me, set me free to be a new person in Christ; one that is loved, worthwhile, forgiven, able to give out to others what He is giving to me. I am receiving His peace, rest, and love today. I also received a word that I will be traveling and experience new adventures. I receive it! – L.W.

This was my day! God lifted the heavy burden of grief, feeling of rejection, and loneliness. I no longer am carrying the burdens, which I was not meant to bear! He gave me renewed hope for my future and my children and grandchildren’s lives! Generational curses were broken off my family line, and sins forgiven and covered in the blood of Jesus! God gave me joy and a sense of purpose! God’s presence was very real, it was as if He were talking to me as Stuart and Carole spoke. I felt God’s love, and I left knowing every detail of my life is in His hands! It is well with my soul. To God be the glory forever and ever! Amen! – M.G.

After being asked some questions about my upbringing, a specific prayer was handed to me. As I read it out loud to God, I felt and saw Jesus standing in front of me. I felt His approval and love. I was freed from an unloveable spirit. I feel so free and loved unconditionally. I am so excited for my new walk of love with Jesus everyday. – M.K.

God’s perfect love heals! Today, I am thanking God that I am a new creation. I forgave myself. NO more shame is on me. I am free. I am no long stuck in my past. Thank you God for those praying with me and for me. Perfect love heals all scars on the heart. My heart scars are healed in Jesus name. – K.F.

I had an opportunity to minister with Stuart and just as we finished praying for some people, I asked Stuart if he would pray that God would show me pictures and visions for the people coming in for prayer. I was thinking about how nice that would be to encourage people with what God saw about them. Stuart just prayed a simple prayer asking God to do that. The next day at a prayer meeting, we were talking about the mountain of God, and I saw a picture of God at the top of this mountain, the prayers we were praying below Him and at the bottom of the mountain was a mass of people getting ready to be brought into the Kingdom. Wow! That was a fast answer to prayer! Today, I got a picture for a man we were praying for. Shards of light were going from God’s mouth (which is His word) to the man’s ear. So I shared this with him, and it greatly ministered to him. I’ve learned through this is that God likes to be asked. I’ve always thought how wonderful it is when God’s people get pictures and open visions etc. but I thought it was all God; that He gave these gifts to people He chose. In my case, He wanted to be asked. He has so many gifts He wants to give to His people, but He wants us to want them enough to ask Him for them. And He’s so ready to grant our requests. Look how fast he answered for me!! – C.G.

I had felt a lot of rejection, especially from my mother. I am 15 years old and never really experienced God’s love before. After I was prayed for, I left smiling and I am happier now. Since getting prayer, my grades have improved a lot and I have had opportunities to show my class how to fix their computers. One of the things they prayed for me for was to be able to share the gifts God has given me. I learned God has great plans for me now and for my future. – J.W.

I made an appointment with Healing the Brokenhearted ministries for a “tune-up” and left feeling light, joyous, and extremely victorious. God revealed areas of healing that went deeper and did it all in a sweet, loving way. I came out with so much more than I expected and I feel so much more free! – C.V.

Two weeks ago I was in a session of Healing the Brokenhearted and the Lord changed my life. He healed my relationship with my Mom. I told her that I loved her for the first time in 30 years. On top of that, He also healed my back and ankle. My ankles were weak and often hurt since I was a kid and a year ago, I was in an accident and hurt my back. After 30 years, God healed me! There is now zero pain and discomfort. I love playing basketball and now I can without pain! – J.M.

I made an appointment with Healing the Brokenhearted ministry and was blessed from the moment it started and the blessing hasn’t stopped. My heart was heavy and burdened and I was living in self-hatred and lacked self worth. The very moment that we started praying, I was truly being freed up and God was downloading visions and tangible healing. I love this ministry and everyone here, and most of all, Daddy God! – C.V.

I received prayer Monday night with Healing the Brokenhearted ministry. I came in clinging to pain and resentment; I didn’t even know how much freedom I needed until the prayers went deeper. I walked out a new woman. The very next day I was not only able to love others (the people that I needed to forgive) at a deeper level, but I noticed a shift inside of them. Their spirit received breakthrough because I received one! I am forever changed and so are they. God reminds me daily of the healing that I received and am still receiving. – K.B.

After receiving prayer with the Healing the Brokenhearted team, I felt my smile come back! For the longest time after my ex-husband’s and my relationship ended, I couldn’t feel my right cheek be able to smile (he hit me during our marriage and I lost the feeling on the right side of my face). But now, I can smile and the right side of my face is totally responsive!! Amen! – J.G.

I came in for Healing the Brokenhearted ministry because I was having difficulty sleeping due to anxiety. My mind was tormented and I struggled with remaining in God’s peace. During this session, I brought up a hurtful word spoken to me. Someone was condemning me and speaking that Jesus does not provide me with His grace. Isaiah 54:17 was brought to my attention and I was reminded that no weapon forged against me will prevail and I will refute every tongue that accuses me. Stuart explained that the word “refute” means “condemn” in Hebrew and shared about the power and authority God has given me. I learned that I can condemn the words of the enemy and render them useless!! That was a revolutionary concept to me! Since then, I know that I walk in a higher level of authority and I realize how blessed I am at the authority God has given me. I know I am seated with Christ in heavenly realms. (Eph 2:6) – A.C.

Just yesterday the bones in my forearms were killing me. I was unable to finish working out. There was great pain. I was a former heroin addict and the heroin damaged the bone marrow in my body. I came here to the Healing Rooms and received prayer for other things in my life. Without mentioning a word to anyone, Stuart came out to me after prayer and asked me if my forearms were hurting and prayed over me and immediately I felt relief in my forearms. Amazing, praise God! – L.F.

I attended a Healing the Brokenhearted session at the Healing Rooms of the Santa Maria Valley after my husband of twenty-two years filed for divorce. Stuart and Shereen guided me through breaking unhealthy soul ties from older relationships. They ended by asking me to place my hand over my heart, and they placed their hands on mine and prayed for God to heal my shredded heart. As we sat and prayed, I felt heat surround my heart. God was cauterizing my wounds and healing my scars. The heat continued for several hours after the session, and then a great peace and joy descended upon me. I have gone from brokenhearted to hopeful and joyful! – T.M.

I experienced a life-changing encounter with Jesus like never before. I have encountered Jesus and received my fair share of deliverance and healing, but this was beyond anything else. The revelation I received and the gift of life I got on this day were just too enormous to compare with any other.
It began as a training class
on prayer for healing the brokenhearted. I was invited by my pastor and his wife to accompany them to a seminar at the Healing Rooms in Santa Maria, California. I was happy to join them and so excited because my passion and heart is to pray for healing of the brokenhearted. After the teaching, Stuart decided we should practice on each other. In my mind I was thinking it was a great idea, I wanted to start praying over people! As we began to pray, the Lord told me, “Get prayer for your stomach.” I had been suffering from ulcer pain on and off for many years and was taking pain medication. I began to argue with God a little; I wanted to be the one praying. I didn’t want to receive prayer. As I was having this conversation with God, Stuart had a word of knowledge about someone with stomach pain and pointed to his own stomach as a reference. It was the exact same place where I had pain! I knew at that point God had won the argument. I was getting in the hot seat that day.

Prayer began by asking Jesus
when these ulcers started. When I asked Jesus this, it was as if I was taken down a rabbit hole in time, and I began to see bits and pieces of my past. I thought maybe it was when I was doing a ton of drugs, but I just kept going farther. I thought maybe the stress from abusive relationships was it, but I kept moving back in time. Eventually, I stopped when I was seventeen years old; I was in a doctor’s office. The doctor told me I had ulcers and that they would never go away. So I thought, “That’s it! The doctor cursed me!” But as I began to share out loud what I was experiencing, Stuart suggested I ask Jesus to shine His light on that memory and show me more. So I did…and He did. I was suddenly taken a little farther back to another doctor’s office. I was now in an abortion clinic. My heart sank into my feet and all that was left of me were sobs. I just sat crying for a while until Shereen asked me if I was able to share what was going on.

I began to share that Jesus
helped me see it was an abortion. Then as soon as I spoke it, I could see myself on the second bed where I got the second abortion two years later. Again I melted into a sobbing mess. As I tried to share through my tears and groans of pain, I was able to see inside my stomach. I could see two holes in the lining, and immediately I knew that the holes were my two babies. Still weeping and writhing in heartache, grief, and pain, I asked Jesus to come and love me. I found myself in a vast area full of white—nothing but white. It was just me standing there. It was then that I knew I had not fully forgiven myself and that I needed to speak those words. So I said it: “I forgive you, Launi.” Right after that, I felt a presence with me. I looked up and it was Jesus! He was standing in front of me with two tiny babies—one in each arm, cradled more perfectly than I have ever seen one hold a baby. I looked at them in awe and slight fear, but I somehow knew it was perfect and good.

I began to think of
the four children I had at home and how I had made mistakes and hurt them. I had always been able to go to them and tell them how sorry I was and ask their forgiveness for my mistakes. I was able to hold them in my arms and look them in the eyes and they always respond, “It’s OK, Mommy.” But with my two babies that I hurt the most, I could never say, “Mommy is so sorry. I made a mistake; please forgive me. I love you.” I wept more intensely than I ever had. Soon after, I remembered that Jesus brought my children to me in the Spirit and this was my chance to tell them how sorry I was. However, before I could speak, they spoke to me through their eyes. It’s really impossible to put in human words. Their voices didn’t come out of their mouths. It was as if they spoke with their eyes. It was the most amazing thing! “It’s OK, Mommy. We’ve always forgiven you.” That was it! I was undone! I thought I would simply turn inside out at that point. Soon after, I saw Jesus wrap His white robe around them. They were now hidden from my sight as He gently walked them to another place. I just watched in awe. Jesus then turned to me and told me that it was OK to say good-bye; I would see them again. So I let them go.

After I saw Jesus
and my children were gone, I was filled with joy and peace. I felt so alive and free I could hardly contain myself. As this happened, I also had a physical sensation like warm milk being poured down my throat and going into my stomach. I could feel a coating and a filling like nothing I had ever felt in my life. As I turned my attention toward what was happening in my body, I realized I had no pain in my stomach at all! All the burning was gone, and all I could feel was peace and comfort. My stomach felt so soft and whole. Jesus healed me!

God performed open-heart surgery
on me that day, and I didn’t even see it coming. My life was changed forever. It’s like I see things with new eyes. I have not had problems with my stomach since then, and I no longer take the pain medication. When I think of my children who are with Him, I no longer hurt. I rejoice! I never thought I could be this healed. Praise God! – L.H-P.